Whenever I ask current and graduated students what they lacked at their school, the answer is consistently, "I wish I had more business classes."
Most prospective students are studying TCM in hopes of opening their own practice. Although, many schools offer business classes (usually 3-4), I feel that really isn't enough.
As people committed to healing and helping others, money is a funky line we have to titter-tatter but at the end of the day, we need to be able to support ourselves in order to help others.
(Again, Better World Books is a great place to buy new/used books -- FREE shipping!)
Beyond Buzz Lois Kelly
Fantastic book on the drastic changes in marketing from the old-school 'hard pitches' to word of mouth marketing. Today, consumers have the power and they are the ones recommending businesses to friends, families and complete strangers. The book emphasizes on personalizing and getting to know your clients on a level that surpasses a "business relationship".
This site includes a blog and is run by licensed acupuncturist, Lisa Hanfileti, LAc. The site was recently awarded Top Blog Acupuncture 2010 and rightfully so! There is a LOAD and a half of business information on marketing, managing, building a practice, sustaining a practice, etc. I personally wrote Lisa an email a while back asking a question about school. She got back to me ASAP and was incredibly helpful.