About Me

Aloha!  My name is Lils.
As a typical New Yorker, my resume reads like I'm the "Jill-of-All-Trade"; and after an extensive and intensive soul-searching, I have decided to pursue studying Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with the philosophy of integrative medicine.

Here's the path which has led me to medicine...

* 2002 BFA School of Visual Arts (concentration in Screenwriting)
* 1999 - 2007 Bounced around working at cafes and boutique hotel clubs 
(cocktail hostess, bartender and manager)
* 2007 - Licensed NY Real Estate Agent (Yeah, I sucked at that!)
* 2007 - 2009 - Traveled through Hawaii, South East Asia and Hong Kong
* 2009 - 2010 - Freelance Travel Journalist (USA Today, Off Track Planet, Trails.com) 

For the last year, I have spent most of the time researching acupuncture practices, visiting various Traditional Chinese Medicine schools; taking pre-req classes at a local community college and visiting as many community acupuncture clinics as I can.
Although, I'm based in New York, I plan on studying in the West coast and hopefully opening a practice in Hawaii.  Therefore, I have visited schools in New York, California and Oregon. 

Here's the list:
   Five Branches University (Santa Cruz, California)
  * Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (Portland, Oregon) * visited twice
I am particularly interested in:
* Research
* Sports Medicine
* Addiction
Little MISS Perfect (sorta)

If you haven't figured it out by now, I'm a real Type A nut; however, I have learned to embrace it and use it for good.  This decision to go back to school for 3-6 years, is a HUGE investment -- Money and time.  Therefore, I want to make sure the school I choose is the "right" one for me and that I take advantage of everything so my money is well spent. 

Currently, I am in the midst of finishing my pre-reqs (Anatomy & Physiology), figuring out the finance/loans stuff and applying to Five Branches University and the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine for Fall 2011.

Although, I've made my decision to which schools I'm applying to, I have not been accepted yet.  It's difficult making a sound decision when attending an open house and talking to current students and advisers can often feel like a really good infomercial.  All I hope to do with this blog is to strip down the information, of the schools I have visited, to its core.  
Hope it helps out anyone interested in studying TCM.  Feel free to contact me with any questions, topic suggestions or mistakes I may have made.
